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    Organic Reflection

    Organic Reflection is an Australian-owned lifestyle brand which aims to enrich the wider community. Organic
    Reflection strives to make the world a better place by providing scientifically-proven environmentally sustainable health products.

    Organic Reflection refers to the practice of nurturing the expression of your unique Inner Child.

    Join the health and personal growth movement.


    Improve your mood, reduce stress & find yourself with more mental clarity.


    Boost your immune system with 172 times more antioxidant than vitamin C.


    Drastically reduces inflammation which is the leading cause of cancer.


    See greater physical performance during workouts & significantly shorter recovery times, most noticeable with injuries.


    Together these ingredients help reverse & prevent the effects of Alzheimer's disease.


    Tested & made in Australia to ensure the highest quality for our customers.

    Our Story

    Our story starts from humble beginnings. We are two best friends who brought our passion for wellness and interest in nurturing our mind, body and soul, to cultivate Organic Reflection.

    After years of exploring spiritual practices to expand our consciousness, we collaborated to manifest this holistic wellness brand. We feel compelled to share our love, knowledge and experiences to benefit others. After sharing our blend with friends and family, and receiving profound results, we soon realised the positive impact it could have on others and decided to share it with the wider community.

    Our brand is a story of Organic Reflection.

    Our Product

    – Improves mood, mental performance, reduce stress & improves stamina

    – Boost/strengthens the immune system (172 times more antioxidant then vitamin C)

    – Drastically Reduces inflammation which is the leading cause of cancer

    – Greater physical performance in workouts

    Significantly shorter recovery times, most noticeable with injuries

    – Helps reverse and prevent the effects of Alzheimer’s disease

    Why we ask you For a $2 donation.

    Tube stock above the allocated amount provided by Landcare is $1.00 per tree, they are between 5-10 cm tall. We use paper carton guards which break down over the first year into the soil, which are about 10c per carton, plus some stakes to keep everything up right and protected. So, for $1.50 per tree in materials we can easily plant a lot trees this coming year.

    The best time for planting is June each year. While its often cold and wet, farmers including me are always looking for as many hands as possible to assist with a tree planting day. With ample help we can get hundreds of trees into the soil and have time for a long casual lunch on the farm and fireside.

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